2009-10 BCGS Events

2009-10 BCGS Events

View series poster.

Cavatina Duo

Sunday, October 4, 2009: 3 p.m.  Gordon Chapel, Old South Church, Boston.
$25 / 20 / 15.  View flyerartist website, program, and press release.

Masterclass: Saturday, October 3, 2009: 2 p.m.  Boston Conservatory, Concert Room.

Gabriel Bianco, GFA Winner’s Tour

Sunday, November 1, 2009: 3 p.m.  Gordon Chapel, Old South Church, Boston.
Free Admission.  View artist website and program.

Quarteto Vivace Brasil

Sunday, January 31, 2010: 3 p.m.  Gordon Chapel, Old South Church, Boston.
$25 / 20 / 15.  View artist website and program.

BCGS Benefit Concert with Eliot Fisk

Performances by Daniel Acsadi and Leticia Prieto Alvarez, Zaira Meneses, Jerome Mouffe, and Maarten Stragier

Sunday, March 7, 2010: 3 p.m.  First Lutheran Church of Boston.
$30 / 25 / 20.  View artist website, press release, and program.

Festival 21 featuring Gyan Riley

Saturday, April 10, 2010.  Old South Church and First Lutheran Church of Boston.
Event Pass $65 / 50 / 35.  Evening concert $25 / 20 / 15.  View Festival 21 blogartist website, and press release.

Masterclass with Gyan Riley: Sunday, April 11, 2010: 12 p.m.  Longy School of Music, Wolfinsohn Room.

Gyan Riley solo concert: April 9, 7:30 p.m. at Concord (NH) Community Music School.  $15 / 12.


Gordon Chapel, Old South Church, 645 Boylston Ave., Boston MA

  • 10:00am Open rehearsal.  BCGS Community Guitar Orchestra with Keene State College and Timberlane High guitar orchestras
  • 11:00am Lecture/demo.  Andrew McKenna Lee, on his work “Five Refractions of a Prelude by Bach.”
  • 1:00pm Class.  On Improvisation with Gyan Riley
  • 2:00pm Members’ Concert with Scott Borg, Back Bay Trio, Jerald Harscher, Geroge Attisano, Steve Marchena, Jeff Wyman
  • 3:00pm ConcertLatin Landscapes Trio.  New American music for guitar and winds
  • 4:00pm Concert: ChromaDuo. works by Stephen Goss, C.W.Pierce and Roberto Sierra

First Lutheran Church, 299 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA

  • 8:00pm Concert by Gyan Riley and world premiére of Jose Lezcano’s “So the Poet will be Heard: Homage to Victor Jara” played by the Boston Guitar Orchestra with the Keene State College and Timberlane Regional High guitar orchestra.