New England Guitar Ensembles Festival 2020: Irina Kulikova & Nikita Koshkin
February 22, 2020 - February 23, 2020

The New England Guitar Ensembles Festival (NEGEF), our annual weekend celebration of the guitar as an ensemble instrument, returns in 2020 with enthralling guitar virtuoso Irina Kulikova and a newly commissioned guitar orchestra piece from renowned composer Nikita Koshkin.
A multiple first-prize winner in international competitions, Irina has been performing in front of captivated audiences since her early teens. At NEGEF, she will give a masterclass on Saturday the 22nd, followed by a featured recital on Sunday the 23rd, at 4 pm in Pickman Hall.
Storm Warning, the new work from Nikita Koshkin, will be premiered at Sunday’s concert by the NEGEF orchestra. John Williams, among others, has championed his inventive and immersive pieces, which include Usher Waltz and The Prince’s Toys.
It is truly an honor to feature two such incomparable artists this February.

Festival Schedule
Saturday, February 22
9:00 Registration and Setup
9:30 Warm-up and Technique with Will Riley
10:15 Orchestra Rehearsal
12:15 Lunch
1:30 Ensemble Workshops
4:00 Irina Kulikova Masterclass
6:00 Dinner
7:30 Evening concert Solo and Ensemble
Sunday, February 23
8:30 Registration and Setup
9:00 Warm-up and Technique with Jerome
9:45 Orchestra Piece Sectionals
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Dress Rehearsal for Koshkin
1:30 Performance Party
4:00 World Premiere of Koshkin Composition
4:10 Irina Kulikova Recital