December 26, 2024 Newton$9,000
October 30, 2024Contact for pricing
Fidencio Diaz concert classical guitar Post Your Own Ad
If you have a guitar to sell, or a service to offer, you’re welcome to list it here in the BCGS Classifieds.
Classified ads cost $20 each, which includes a listing on this site viewable for 3 months, as well as a 32-word ad in the next BCGS newsletter.
After purchasing a classified ad, please contact us with the details of your post. Be sure to include:
- The contact information you would like to use in your ad (email, phone, name)
- A full description for your ad on this website
- Any photos you would like included with your ad
- A condensed version of the ad for the newsletter. (32 words max., including contact info)